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Harm Reduction Model

About Harm Reduction Model

At Pax Healing we focus on minimizing the negative consequences associated with Mental Health and or Substance Use problems. Our model emphasizes providing compassionate and non-judgmental care, while also promoting healthy behaviors and reducing harm. We are dedicated to meeting individuals where they’re at by providing services that are accessible and relevant to the individual’s needs and circumstances. We are also dedicated to work with other local organizations and agencies to address the social and environmental factors that contribute to Mental Health and or Substance Use problems.

Our key strategies include:

  • Overdose Prevention Training: Pax Healing will incorporate opioid Overdose Prevention, recognition and response capacity into staff training, assessments and treatment plans, education, and family support services. The intent of the training will be to increase knowledge about the effectiveness of medication for addiction treatment services and their role in overdose prevention. Naloxone (Narcan) will be prescribed to all of those with Medication for Opioid Use Disorders (MOUD) and will be offered to all patients regardless of diagnosis if they wish to obtain Narcan.
  • Harm Reduction Counseling: Offering counseling and support services that focus on reducing the negative consequences of Substance Use, such as improving relationships, managing finances, and finding employment.
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Using medications to manage symptoms of substance use disorders and reduce cravings.
  • Peer Support Groups: Connecting individuals with others who have similar experiences and can provide support and encouragement.
  • Needle Exchange Programs: Providing individuals with resources to connect with needle exchange programs, where they can obtain clean needles and help prevent the transmission of diseases associated with injection drug use.

By adopting a harm reduction approach, Pax Healing is dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care to individuals struggling with Substance Use and or Mental Health problems, while also promoting public health and reducing harm.